Relieved it was all bots replying to the dress on the freakish hanger post. I’d expect at least a few Boomers can spot fake crochet when they see it. (And thank you for this very interesting piece. I’m off to explain the silent gen/boomers in my life what Midjourney is.)

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Remember, we went through this all years ago with Google, with SEO-spam, and "made for ads" websites. For a while, there was a plague of junk sites which were created by scraping existing sites, making minor language changes, and presenting them as new sites. And they would all link to one another to boost their algorithm ranking. Google eventually figured out ways to deal with this - though it had some bad side-effects overall.

The obviously solution is we're going to need "anti-spam" AI agents to fight the spamming-AI generated junk. Which is roughly what happened with email spam. And some of the side-effects are not going to be good, just like the battle against email spam and SEO spam caused some significant collateral damage.

Someone is going to say "What happens when the AI-spam gets good enough to be undetectable from a human?". The answer to that is "That's called fiction, like novels or movies". Scammers have been creating "fake people" for a long time now. A fake person for entertainment is different from a fake person for malicious reasons. Advances in technology affect all of the artist, criminal, and police.

[Also, best wishes for health - operations are only "minor" in a relative sense]

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I’ll be curious to see whether generations who have grown up with A.I.-generated content will continue to have the ability to discern real from fake, or whether there will be a point at which nobody at all can tell the difference.

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Will miss your posts while you’re away - best wishes for a safe and full recovery

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